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Janice McAfee kämpft weiterhin um Freigabe der Überreste von John McAfee, 670 Tage nach seinem Tod –

Janice McAfee, the widow of the late tech magnate John McAfee, has voiced her frustration over the continued delay in the release of her late husband’s remains, which have been in a Spanish morgue for over 670 days. John McAfee, who faced extradition to the United States on charges of promoting initial coin offerings and tax evasion, was found dead in his prison cell in Barcelona, Spain, just hours after Spain’s high court approved his preliminary extradition. His death triggered a number of conspiracy theories, including the possibility that he had activated a dead man’s switch.

Despite being dead for over two years, McAfee continues to make headlines, with his widow taking to social media to demand answers on the delay in releasing his remains. She has also accused the Barcelona courts of hiding information about the autopsy report and has expressed her disbelief at the delay in being able to give her late husband a proper burial.

Janice’s complaints about the delay in releasing John McAfee’s remains were met with skepticism by some, with a Netflix documentary that aired last year claiming that McAfee had contacted one of his former girlfriends from Texas. Janice has dismissed these theories as “silly” and instead focused on her ongoing battle with the Barcelona courts for the release of her husband’s remains, which she believes are being inexplicably delayed.

The mysterious circumstances surrounding John McAfee’s death have made him a source of fascination for many, and the ongoing legal battle over his remains has only added to the intrigue. While there is no indication yet as to why John McAfee’s remains are being held back, his widow’s determination to get answers has put the spotlight back on his mysterious demise and the events that followed.

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