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Kryptowähler mobilisieren: Ripple s Chefjurist ruft zur crypto Wahl auf

Krypto-Wahl: Ripple’s CLO betont entscheidende Rolle vor US-Wahlen

Ripple's US Chief Legal Officer, Stuart Alderoty, emphasizes the critical role of the crypto community in the upcoming United States presidential elections. As the country prepares to head to the polls, the issue of crypto assets and their regulations has taken center stage, prompting candidates to address the need for clearer policies in this rapidly evolving sector.

Rallying the Crypto Community

Alderoty's recent call for the crypto vote has sparked a wave of enthusiasm within the community. In a post on X (formerly Twitter) on June 7, he highlighted the importance of crypto enthusiasts exercising their voting power to bring about meaningful change. Without the collective voice of the crypto community at the polls, other forms of engagement, such as calls, letters, and emails to lawmakers, may not carry the same weight.

The response from the crypto community has been overwhelmingly positive, with users pledging to support candidates who advocate for crypto-friendly policies. This year, donations to crypto Political Action Committees (PACs) have surged to $100 million, with significant contributions from industry leaders. Companies like Coinbase have demonstrated their commitment to promoting regulatory clarity by donating to Super PACs focused on advancing the interests of the crypto sector in the forthcoming elections.

Bipartisan Efforts for Regulatory Clarity

The push for pro-crypto legislation has gained momentum in Congress, with lawmakers working across party lines to establish clearer guidelines for the market. Proponents of crypto, including Rep Ro Khanna, have thrown their weight behind initiatives like the FIT21 legislation, calling on the White House to support these measures. By bridging the gap between legislators and industry stakeholders, these bipartisan efforts aim to create a more conducive environment for crypto innovation and investment.

Charting a Regulatory Pathway

Despite facing challenges in the past, the crypto market has made significant strides this year leading up to the US elections. For years, industry players have lamented the lack of regulatory clarity and the Securities and Exchange Commission's (SEC) approach to overseeing crypto assets. Recent developments, such as the overturning of the SEC's SAB 121 by lawmakers (although vetoed by President Biden) and the passage of the FIT21 legislation by the House, signal a positive shift towards establishing clearer regulatory frameworks.

Looking Ahead

As the crypto community gears up for the US elections, the importance of active participation cannot be overstated. By casting their votes in support of candidates who champion crypto-friendly policies, enthusiasts can help shape the future of the industry and ensure that regulatory clarity and innovation remain at the forefront of legislative agendas. With bipartisan efforts gaining traction and industry leaders lending their support, the crypto sector is poised to navigate the evolving regulatory landscape with confidence and optimism.

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