
Abra beendet Krypto-Handel für US-Kunden und muss $82,1 Millionen erstatten

Abra einigt sich mit U.S. Behörden über den Handel von unerlaubten Kryptowährungen: Einblicke in die Konfliktlösung und Maßnahmen

Cryptocurrency investment platform Abra has recently settled with financial regulators from 25 U.S. states over allegations of operating without the necessary state licenses. This settlement involves Abra halting its cryptocurrency trading services for U.S. customers and returning $82.1 million in virtual assets to affected individuals across the states involved in the agreement.

The regulators have made it clear that Abra must comply with the terms of the settlement, which includes stopping the acceptance of cryptocurrency from U.S. customers for its Abra Trade accounts. Additionally, all buying and trading activities must cease as part of the regulatory requirements outlined in the agreement. The states involved in the settlement, such as Washington, Texas, Georgia, and Ohio, have agreed to forego monetary penalties in order to ensure that customers receive full refunds.

The Conference of State Bank Supervisors (CSBS), which represents all 50 states in the U.S., highlighted that Abra’s operations, particularly through its mobile application for buying, selling, trading, and investing in cryptocurrencies, were carried out without the proper authorization from the state regulatory bodies. This lack of proper licensing led to the regulatory action and subsequent settlement to address the violations.

One of the key provisions of the settlement is the five-year prohibition of Abra CEO Bill Barhydt from participating in any money transmitter or money services business licensed in the 25 states involved in the agreement. This measure is aimed at ensuring compliance with state laws and preventing any potential future instances of unlicensed activities within the cryptocurrency space.

Despite the regulatory scrutiny and subsequent settlement, Abra has expressed satisfaction with the resolution of the matter. The company noted that the negotiations with the Money Transmitters Regulators Association were conducted peacefully, indicating a willingness to cooperate and address any compliance issues that may have arisen. It is important to highlight that Abra operates in the U.S. through Abra Capital Management, which is an SEC-registered investment advisor.

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The settlement between Abra and the regulators serves as a reminder of the importance of adhering to regulatory requirements in the cryptocurrency and financial services sectors. Proper licensing and compliance with state laws are essential to ensure the protection of investors and customers in the rapidly evolving digital asset space. By addressing the regulatory concerns raised by the state authorities, Abra has taken steps to rectify the situation and uphold the integrity of its operations.

In conclusion, the settlement between Abra and the U.S. regulators over unlicensed cryptocurrency operations underscores the need for compliance with state licensing requirements in the digital asset industry. The regulatory action taken against Abra and the subsequent agreement to cease trading activities and refund customers reflect the commitment to maintaining a transparent and compliant financial ecosystem. Moving forward, it will be crucial for companies operating in the cryptocurrency space to prioritize regulatory compliance and adhere to the legal frameworks in place to safeguard the interests of investors and customers.

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