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Rekordhochs bei Polymarket: Über $110 Millionen Handelsvolumen und 30.000 aktive Nutzer

Neue Enthüllungen über den möglichen Rückzug von Joe Biden aus der Präsidentschaftswahl erhöhen die Spannung am Polymarket.

The predictions market platform, Polymarket, has recently achieved record highs in monthly active users and trading volume, thanks to the buzz generated by the upcoming presidential election in the United States. In the month of June alone, the platform attracted almost 30,000 monthly active users and recorded a trading volume exceeding $110 million. These figures mark a significant milestone for Polymarket, reflecting the growing interest and engagement of users in predicting the outcome of the upcoming election.

The surge in activity on Polymarket comes on the heels of a particularly tumultuous debate involving President Joe Biden, which took place at the end of June. Following the debate, the probability of Biden dropping out of the presidential election spiked to as high as 50%, before settling at 34%. This increase in uncertainty regarding Biden's candidacy has fueled speculation and trading on the platform, driving up both user engagement and trading volume.

One of the key attractions of Polymarket for users is its prediction market on the 2024 US presidential election, which has emerged as the most popular market on the platform. With a total of $206.6 million worth of bets placed on the election outcome, users are closely following and speculating on the potential winner. In addition to the presidential election market, other side bets such as the likelihood of Biden dropping out of the race and the identity of the Democratic nominee have also garnered significant interest, with approximately $200 million in bets placed on these propositions.

The platform's success in attracting a large user base and high trading volume can be attributed to its recent funding round, which saw Polymarket raise $45 million in a series B funding. Notable investors in this round included Peter Thiel's Founders Fund and Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin, signaling confidence in the platform's growth potential and market positioning. The funding infusion has allowed Polymarket to expand its operations and enhance its technology, enabling it to cater to the increasing demand for prediction markets related to major events like the presidential election.

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In the lead-up to the election, speculation on Polymarket is expected to intensify further, with users closely monitoring the odds and probabilities associated with various candidates. For instance, alternative candidates like Kamala Harris, Michelle Obama, Gavin Newsom, and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. have been assigned probabilities ranging from 4% to 2% for winning the presidency, reflecting the uncertainty surrounding Biden's candidacy.

Despite the growing popularity of Polymarket and the enthusiasm of users for engaging in prediction markets, the platform has also faced challenges and controversies. One notable incident involved the determination of outcomes for prediction propositions, with some users raising concerns about the definition of specific events such as an ETH ETF approval from the US Securities and Exchange Commission. Such controversies highlight the importance of transparency and accuracy in determining the results of prediction markets to maintain user trust and confidence in the platform.

In conclusion, Polymarket's record highs in monthly users and trading volume underscore the platform's growing influence in the prediction market space, particularly in relation to high-profile events like the US presidential election. As the election draws nearer, the platform is expected to continue attracting a diverse range of users seeking to speculate on and predict the outcome of this pivotal political event. With its solid financial backing and increasing user engagement, Polymarket is well-positioned to cater to the evolving needs of prediction market enthusiasts and offer a platform for informed and data-driven decision-making.

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