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JPMorgan CEO befürwortet Abschaffung der Schuldenobergrenze

Jamie Dimon, the CEO of JPMorgan, one of the largest banks in the world, has expressed his opinion regarding the issue of the congressional discussion on raising the debt limit. In an interview with Punchbowl, a US politics-focused outlet, Dimon stated that he favors the abolition of the debt limit. He also warned about the effects of the drama surrounding the congressional discussions to negotiate a debt limit increase and even the possibility of going into default. He declared, "I hope we avoid it. I hope, one day, we get rid of it."

The executive emphasized that even the run-up to default is dangerous for the American and world economy since it puts doubts on the capabilities of the US government to honor its debts. Dimon warned that this situation could lead to taking wrong decisions as Congress tries to reach an agreement on the subject, and that its political element might increase the chance of making a mistake.

Finally, Dimon warns that this situation could cause panic, leading to irrationality and creating unwanted turmoil in US and world markets. He concluded, "This can cause panic. And you’ve seen, panic isn’t necessarily a rational thing. People panic. And when you see people panic — that’s ’08, ’09 again, and that’s really what you want to avoid."

On May 1, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen warned that the US government could default as early as June 1 without Congress's intervention.

It is noteworthy that JPMorgan is one of the US government’s biggest creditors and has a significant interest in the US debt and creditworthiness of the country. Thus, Dimon’s opinion on the debt limit issue bears weight and reflects the stance of the banking industry on the subject.

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In conclusion, the issue of the debt limit continues to be a contentious one with increased risk of panic and turmoil, and Dimon's opinion adds greater weight to the debate.

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