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Bitcoin Miner Umsatz verzeichnet massiven 6-Monats-Einbruch – Was ist los?

Bitcoin Miner Revenues Dropped by Over 30%

According to a report by BanklessTimes, the revenues of Bitcoin miners have dropped by over 30% in the last six months. Interestingly, these miners had their most profitable month as the price of Bitcoin surged at the beginning of this year. Their revenue soared to as much as $918.8 million in January.

In the months that followed, there was a significant decline in the revenues earned. October saw a resurgence as it represented the second-highest monthly earnings of the year 2023. Reports indicate they earned $885 million during this period. However, the downward trend reappeared in November as these miners once again recorded a decrease in earnings. The total earnings in that month amounted to $615.1 million.

Alice Leetham, a crypto expert at BanklessTimes, commented on these figures, pointing out that it was cause for concern. This led to the need to analyze factors that could contribute to the downward trend.

The BTC market capitalization currently stands at $758 billion on the daily chart:

Factors Contributing to the Trend

The volatility of Bitcoin prices was identified as the most obvious factor affecting the earnings of miners. The failure of Bitcoin to meet certain price predictions directly impacted the profitability of mining operations.

There is a likelihood that certain miners doubled down their activities in the hopes that the crypto token would reach certain milestones, but that did not materialize.

Adjustment of Bitcoin mining difficulty is said to be another factor contributing to this downward trend. Mining difficulty increases as more miners enter the network, ultimately leading to a decrease in miners' earnings as more people compete to mine a block. The popularity of Bitcoin has not helped in this regard, as the network continues to attract a growing number of miners.

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Meanwhile, there is also the Bitcoin halving event that will be on the minds of these miners. This is the point at which miners' rewards are halved. The next halving is scheduled for April 2024. Given this downward trend and the impending halving, it is not surprising that these miners are striving to diversify their business activities.

BanklessTimes, however, believes that these miners could see an upturn. They highlighted ongoing developments and the increasing acceptance of Bitcoin as factors that could help "offset these difficulties."

Featured image by Shutterstock

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