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Richtlinien für Wirtschaftsprüfer zur Bewertung von Krypto-Vermögenswerten veröffentlicht

Prüfer gewinnen Weg, um die Werte von Kryptoanlagen ihrer Kunden zu prüfen und Assets zu kontrollieren

Auditors, who are responsible for verifying the value of their clients' cryptocurrencies, have now been given a clear path to evaluate the pricing methods for this volatile asset class. The American Institute of CPAs has recently released an update to their non-authoritative guidance, aimed at assisting accountants in applying existing accounting and audit standards to digital assets such as Bitcoin.

The practice aid provides detailed instructions on how auditors should assess controls related to third-party pricing services, as well as valuation considerations for both active and thinly traded markets. This is crucial, as the cryptocurrency market is known for its extreme price fluctuations, which can make valuing these assets a challenging task.

One key aspect of the guidance is the importance of ensuring that the assets actually exist and that the client has control over them. This can be done through various steps, such as sending confirmations to third parties or conducting physical inspections of hardware wallets. By following these procedures, auditors can gain assurance that the reported values of the cryptocurrencies are accurate and reliable.

In addition to verifying the existence and control of the assets, auditors are also advised to assess the appropriateness of the valuation methods used by their clients. Given the complexity and volatility of the cryptocurrency market, it is essential to carefully evaluate the pricing models and assumptions underlying the valuation of these assets. This is particularly important for assets that are traded on thinly traded markets, where prices can be more easily manipulated.

The guidance also emphasizes the need for auditors to thoroughly review the disclosures made by their clients regarding their cryptocurrency holdings. Transparency is key in ensuring that investors and other stakeholders have a clear understanding of the risks and uncertainties associated with these digital assets. By providing comprehensive and accurate information, clients can enhance the credibility and reliability of their financial statements.

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Overall, the latest update from the American Institute of CPAs provides auditors with a valuable resource for navigating the complexities of auditing cryptocurrency holdings. By following the guidance outlined in the practice aid, auditors can effectively assess the value of their clients' crypto assets and ensure that proper controls are in place to safeguard against potential risks. This will ultimately contribute to greater transparency and trust in the financial reporting of digital assets, benefiting both clients and stakeholders alike.

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