Krypto News

Coinbase verklagt SEC aufgrund mangelnder regulatorischer Klarheit – Bitcoin-Nachrichten.

Coinbase, the popular cryptocurrency exchange, has taken legal action against the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The legal action filed in federal court was in response to lack of regulatory clarity and guidance surrounding digital assets. The company filed a petition back in July 2022 requesting the commission to propose and adopt rules governing the regulation of digital assets. However, Coinbase believes that despite initiating several potential regulatory enforcement actions, crypto firms have not been informed of how the SEC believes the law applies to their business.

Coinbase emphasized the need for regulatory clarity, stating that it is long overdue. The company's chief legal officer, Paul Grewal, highlighted that over 1,700 entities and individuals submitted comments in support of the request for clarity. The company believes the SEC has already made up its mind to deny the petition, however, they are yet to inform the public of their decision. Grewal wrote that the legal action filed today simply asks the court to ask the SEC to share its decision as the agency is obligated by law to respond.

While regulations are necessary, Coinbase has sought to establish clear guidelines for better clarity in the cryptocurrency industry. The federal court action seeks to address the impasse regarding the petition, however, the company has stated that it will be pursued until the end. Coinbase's announcement follows the CEO's recent tweet, stating that a few members of the company flew to the SEC offices in Washington; they will continue pushing for a clear rule book in the U.S. for crypto regs.

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Coinbase's legal action has sparked various reactions from the crypto community. Some individuals believe that regulatory clarity will enable institutional investors to enter the crypto space, leading to more liquidity, price stabilization, and growth of the industry; others feel regulations will stifle innovation.

In conclusion, regulatory clarity is essential in any industry, more so the cryptocurrency space, which has been under intense scrutiny. Crypto firms need to understand how the SEC and other regulatory bodies view and apply the law, leading to better compliance and adherence to expected industry standards. The case is ongoing, and it remains to be seen how the SEC will respond to Coinbase's legal action.

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