Krypto News

Offizielle Aussage: “Russische Unternehmen verwenden Kryptowährungen aktiv”, Russland plant 4 entsprechende Gesetze zu verabschieden

Russian lawmakers are planning to approve four bills aimed at regulating various aspects of cryptocurrency. According to Anatoly Aksakov, the chairman of the parliamentary Financial Market Committee, the State Duma plans to adopt the bills during its spring session, which concludes on July 30. The legislation is designed to regulate cryptocurrency mining, cross-border crypto payments, taxation of digital assets, and liability for their illegal use. Aksakov stated that the draft laws are already well thought through. He also revealed that large Russian companies are already actively using cryptocurrency in foreign trade settlements and are keen to see a legal framework developed for such transactions. Meanwhile, authorities are keen to take into account the opinions of market participants regarding tax rules. The move towards greater regulation of cryptocurrencies comes as Russia faces increased Western sanctions over its actions in Ukraine. In January 2021, the law "On Digital Financial Assets" (DFAs) came into force, covering only some crypto-related activities, such as transactions involving digital assets with an issuing entity. Transactions with decentralized cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin are still awaiting comprehensive regulation in Russia.

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