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SEC verwirft Grayscales Filecoin-Trust-Antrag wegen „Sicherheits“-Label

Filecoin, a decentralized storage platform based on blockchain technology, has recently been embroiled in a regulatory debate as the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has expressed concerns about its classification as a security.

Grayscale Investments, a well-known company for managing digital assets, was instructed by the SEC to withdraw its application for a Filecoin Trust citing concerns regarding potential impacts on securities.

Grayscale had initially revealed its intention to bring an updated Filecoin Trust product to market through a Form 10 filing submitted to the SEC on April 14th.

Grayscale announced that the regulatory body had expressed reservations regarding the categorization of Filecoin, claiming that it could fall under the definition of a security.

Grayscale has announced that it received a comment letter from the SEC on May 16th. In the letter, the regulatory body warned that Filecoin (FIL), the underlying asset of the proposed Filecoin Trust by Grayscale, met the criteria for classification as a security under federal law. As a result, the SEC mandated Grayscale to withdraw its application for the trust product.

The intended conversion of Grayscale's existing Filecoin Trust into a more publicly traded company, as laid out in the Form 10 filing, would have resulted in quarterly reports being filed with detailed information regarding the financial activities of the trust. However, the recent warning from the SEC has raised doubts about the regulatory feasibility of such a structure.

In response to the SEC's claim, Grayscale expressed a different stance. According to the company, Filecoin should not be classified as a security under federal securities laws. Therefore, Grayscale intends to provide the SEC staff with a detailed explanation immediately outlining the legal basis for its position.

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The comment letter received by Grayscale Investments from the SEC sheds light on the regulatory body's perspective on the classification of Filecoin (FIL) as a security.

The SEC's definition of securities is critical in establishing regulatory frameworks and compliance requirements for various financial instruments.

Securities include a wide range of tradable financial assets under federal law, including stocks, bonds, and investment contracts that usually are subject to particular disclosure and registration requirements.

The implications of the SEC's position go beyond the specific case of Filecoin and Grayscale Investments. It remains to be seen how this particular case will unfold and what impact it will have on the broader regulatory approach to cryptocurrencies and blockchain-based assets.

-Selected image from Depositphotos

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