
Binance stärkt Kooperation mit Macaos Justizpolizei für Krypto-Untersuchungen

Binance stärkt Engagement mit Macaos Polizei durch Schulung über Krypto-Kriminalität

Binance, a prominent player in the cryptocurrency exchange market, has recently collaborated with the Macao Judiciary Police to conduct its first in-person law enforcement training course. This strategic move signifies a crucial step for Binance towards enhancing the capabilities of law enforcement personnel in combating crypto-related crimes and fraud. The training course saw the participation of over 40 officers from the Criminal Investigation Department, Gaming-related, and Economic Crimes Investigation Department, all of whom were eager to deepen their understanding of blockchain security and digital asset-related crimes.

Binance's decision to team up with the Macao Judiciary Police underscores the exchange's commitment to supporting law enforcement agencies in their efforts to address the complexities of crypto-related criminal activities. The training course, titled "Commitment to Safeguarding Security," was designed to equip officers with the necessary skills and techniques to effectively tackle digital asset crimes. Carl Mak, a specialist from Binance's investigation team, played a pivotal role in leading the course, providing valuable insights into investigating blockchains and other digital asset-related offenses.

During the training, Mak shed light on Binance's extensive collaboration with law enforcement agencies worldwide and highlighted the company's significant contributions to the resolution of virtual asset cases over the years. He emphasized Binance's proactive stance against financial crime and expressed the exchange's unwavering commitment to supporting global efforts to combat illicit activities in the digital space. The collaboration between Binance and the Macao Judiciary Police is a testament to the shared goal of enhancing professional training to effectively address criminal activities in the digital age.

Furthermore, the Macao police officer expressed gratitude for Binance's willingness to share relevant insights and knowledge in blockchain and digital asset investigations. This collaborative effort between Binance and law enforcement agencies reflects a broader trend of increased cooperation between the cryptocurrency industry and regulatory authorities to promote transparency and security within the blockchain ecosystem.

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Binance's dedication to global training initiatives aligns with its overarching goal of promoting security and stability in the blockchain industry. The exchange has been actively expanding its partnerships with law enforcement agencies and governments worldwide, facilitating the exchange of knowledge and best practices in blockchain security and investigation techniques. In addition to the recent training with the Macao Judiciary Police, Binance has conducted various training programs for law enforcement agencies, both online and offline.

In April 2024, Binance organized its first online Law Enforcement Training Day, which attracted over 1,300 participants from law enforcement agencies globally. The exchange has also conducted numerous online and offline training sessions and seminars, including a training program for officers from the Cambodian Ministry of Interior. Furthermore, Binance has collaborated with the Mongolia National Police Agency on digital knowledge sharing initiatives, demonstrating the exchange's commitment to supporting law enforcement efforts in combating cryptocurrency crimes.

The Binance Investigation team has played a crucial role in aiding crypto investigations by responding to over 40,000 law enforcement requests in 2022 alone and working closely with law enforcement agencies from more than 80 countries. This collaborative approach between Binance and law enforcement agencies reflects a shared commitment to fostering a safe and secure environment for cryptocurrency users and investors. By actively engaging with law enforcement authorities and providing them with the necessary tools and knowledge, Binance continues to demonstrate its proactive stance against financial crime and illicit activities within the crypto space.

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