Krypto News

“Hacker brechen in AT&T E-Mail-Konten ein und stehlen Krypto-Gelder von Opfern – Sicherheits-Bitcoin-Nachrichten.” “Möglicher Titel: Hacker stehlen Krypto-Gelder von AT&T E-Mail-Konten”

Cybercriminals have breached AT&T email accounts to gain access to victims' crypto assets, according to recent reports. The criminals may have stolen as much as $20 million worth of crypto through this modus operandi. Two victims have confirmed the theft. AT&T, however, has denied that hackers have breached the company's internal systems. Instead, they claim the criminals used API access to target personal AT&T email accounts that use,, and addresses. Hackers reportedly used access to AT&T's internal network to create mail keys for any user, then login and reset victims' passwords, including those on crypto exchange apps. A whistleblower is said to have shared a list of the alleged hackers' victims to prove that cybercriminals have indeed gained access to AT&T's internal systems. AT&T has acknowledged the "unauthorized creation of secure mail keys" and has responded by updating its security controls, locking some email accounts to force owners to reset passwords.

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