Krypto News

Bitcoin Cash erreicht Meilenstein-Upgrade und entfesselt transformative Funktionen von Cashtokens – Bitcoin Nachrichten.

Bitcoin Cash (BCH) has reached a milestone upgrade by seamlessly integrating four cutting-edge features into its consensus ruleset. The highly anticipated upgrade was successfully integrated into the network on May 15, 2023, marking a significant leap forward for the peer-to-peer electronic cash platform. The update featured four new elements, which developers have focused on, and average BCH users didn’t have to do anything. Only miners and full node operators needed to upgrade their BCH software to be compatible with the ruleset changes, with specific BCH-compatible wallets expected to upgrade and incorporate some of the new improvements like Cashtokens.

The Cashtokens upgrade promises a wealth of transformative features that will significantly elevate the capabilities of the network. According to software developer Jason Dreyzehner, Cashtokens will offer censorship-resistant and low-fee digital assets that can function as currencies, stablecoins, securities, and more. Cashtokens can represent a wide range of items, enabling individuals to issue tokens; they also bring smart contract functionality that rivals Ethereum with higher efficiency of up to 1,000 times in transactions and block validation. The development of low-fee, censorship-resistant prediction markets is also paving the way for the development of contract-issued commitments and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) for decentralized applications (dapps).

Bitcoin Cash enthusiasts believe that these transformative changes could revolutionize the blockchain’s ecosystem. The Pay-to-Script-Hash-32 (P2SH32) alteration serves as a long-term remedy against 80-bit P2SH collision attacks. The Restrict Transaction Versions modification is limited to version numbers of either 1 or 2 to prevent any invalidation of transactions that do not conform to these limitations.

The highly anticipated Cashtokens upgrade is set to transform Bitcoin Cash, enabling the issuance of low-fee, censorship-resistant digital assets that represent real-world assets. This much-awaited upgrade demonstrates the continued efforts by the Bitcoin Cash community to create a highly efficient and user-friendly blockchain ecosystem.

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