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Bitcoin Core 25.0 kommt auf den Markt: Ein kleiner Blick in die Zukunft

Bitcoin Core Releases Version 25.0 with New Features, Performance Improvements, and Translation Updates

Bitcoin Core, the reference implementation of the Bitcoin (BTC) protocol, has released its version 25.0, which includes several new features, bug fixes, performance improvements, and translation updates.

BTC responded positively to the news of the upgrade. As of writing this article, BTC is trading at $28,009, up 3.2% in the past 24 hours, according to data from cryptocurrency market tracker Coingecko. The digital asset has experienced an upward trend of nearly 5% in the last seven days.

This update introduces significant improvements in transaction policies and expands the use cases for transactions with reduced size. With the latest version of the full-node client, users can verify transactions, store a copy of the blockchain, and participate in the consensus process.

Notable changes include peer-to-peer (P2P) and network modifications, new remote procedure calls (RPCs) that ensure fast wallet rescans, and updated RPCs. Mempool and relay policies now allow transactions with non-witness sizes of 65 bytes or more.

Bitcoin Core: A Snapshot

Bitcoin Core is a software application that facilitates the use and interaction with Bitcoin. As the canonical reference implementation of the Bitcoin protocol, it is the version of the software that is most recognized and trusted.

Consider Bitcoin Core to be the "brain" of Bitcoin. It enables the creation and management of digital wallets that resemble virtual bank accounts for storing and transferring bitcoins. Additionally, it connects users to the Bitcoin network, a decentralized network of computers that collectively confirm and record Bitcoin transactions.

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Bitcoin Core is designed to be secure and trustworthy. It uses cryptography to protect your transactions and bitcoins. It also has a built-in wallet and an intuitive user interface that makes it easier for users to manage their bitcoins.

Optimistic for the Future of Bitcoin

The update seems to come at the right time as it comes at a time when the Bitcoin network had to deal with scalability and transaction performance difficulties that arose due to the emergence of ordinals.

Bitcoin Core, now available on GitHub, is thoroughly evaluated and supported on Linux, macOS 10.15, and Windows 7 and later versions. While it should also work on other Unix-like systems, it is not tested as frequently and is therefore not recommended for unsupported platforms.

Due to ongoing developments and improvements, the Bitcoin community continues to look positively at the future of the leading cryptocurrency and expects an increase in its price.

  • Selected image from Bitnovo Blog.

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