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DEA bringt reale soziale Beiträge zum P2E-Ökosystem

DEA Launches PlayMining GameFi Platform Encouraging Real-World Social Contributions

Digital Entertainment Asset, also known as DEA, has unveiled a new game that incentivizes real-world social contributions to maintain common community infrastructure. As a play-to-earn (P2E) platform, players can earn P2E tokens while playing entertaining video games. If players inspect physical infrastructure in communities underserved by government monitoring, they can earn additional P2E tokens. DEA offers players the opportunity to earn DEP tokens by completing quests in the games. This incentivization for real-world contributions will encourage players to take part in their surrounding communities, thereby creating a positive impact and reshaping the game industry.

DEA operates primarily in Southeast Asia, engaging more than 2.7 million users across the globe. However, they hope to expand their reach to all types of players from all regions and socioeconomic backgrounds. Their main goal is to help people through their games, starting with Southeast Asia. With GameFi gaining popularity as a means to earn additional income in SEA countries, people can now benefit from playing games in the community.

According to DEA, the “Mining” in PlayMining refers to the possibility of earning DEP tokens through gameplay. While DEA operates its own blockchain and token, it does not engage in mining external cryptocurrencies.

DEA is working on a game known as TEPCO. Although the game is in the early stages of development, gameplay involves inspecting specific types of physical infrastructures in the communities. These locations are determined by Greenway Grid Global (GGG), a partner that works with DEA on the project. GGG is a joint venture by TEPCO in Singapore established to invest and operate overseas power transmission and distribution businesses as well as next-generation infrastructure businesses while promoting leading global companies.
DEA targets offering a transparent and fair gaming platform for its users and partners. They offer license fees to creators with NFTs on the PlayMining platform. This makes it more affordable for studios to start on the platform than larger distribution platforms such as Nintendo, which requires a 30% cut. Besides, DEA aims to provide a fair gaming economy system that benefits the entire PlayMining community.

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DEA aims to add value to its existing users through partnerships with other companies, influencers, third-party games, NFT art collections, Metaverse projects, events, and promotions. The PlayMining platform comes with an NFT marketplace where artists and creators can earn licensing fees for the resale of their NFTs. Also, DEA intends to repurchase DEAPcoin tokens from the market to help stabilize the DEAPcoin token price over time.

DEA actively supports indie game studios that partner with them. The studios can integrate DEAPcoin into their reward structures, resulting in new P2E games on the PlayMining platform. DEA also offers studios access to the PlayMining NFT and PlayMining NFT Premier, where they can sell NFTs related to their games and expand their creative IPs.

DEA pays licensing fees to official and fan artists who sell NFTs on the PlayMining NFT marketplace. There are also NFTs on the platform that enable players to earn more DEAPcoin in the PlayMining games. For instance, the “Farmland NFTs” collection is used in the Lucky Farmer P2E game, increasing chances of winning.

DEA’s mission is to create a sustainable and innovative ecosystem where all can gain value through gaming. With more announcements and news expected to come from DEA, we can anticipate significant changes in the gaming industry. PlayMining aims to make a difference in the world by promoting GameFi with a positive impact on society.

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