Krypto News

Grayscale Investments meldet Antrag auf 3 neue börsengehandelte Fonds –

Grayscale Investments, a digital currency fund manager, has announced the launch of the Grayscale Funds Trust and registration filings for three exchange-traded funds with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The trust is a Delaware statutory trust structure that will strengthen the company’s worldwide asset management capabilities. The newly launched funds include Grayscale Ethereum Futures ETF, Grayscale Global Bitcoin Composite ETF, and Grayscale Privacy ETF. Grayscale CEO Michael Sonnenshein said that the creation of Grayscale Funds Trust reflects the company's dedication to scaling responsibly while creating and managing regulated, future-forward products. Meanwhile, Grayscale's global head of ETFs, David LaValle, will assist with the company's expansion. Grayscale's latest move into the world of exchange-traded funds is seen as a significant step for digital currency fund management in the financial world.

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