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Digital Securities Sandbox: US und Bank of England planen gemeinsame Innovationsplattform

Peirce schlägt DLT-Sandbox-Zusammenarbeit zwischen USA und UK vor: Mehr Innovation oder mehr Regulierung?

Hester Peirce, a Securities and Exchange Commissioner (SEC), has proposed a groundbreaking initiative that could potentially revolutionize the landscape of digital securities in both the United States and the United Kingdom. This proposal entails the establishment of a joint digital securities sandbox in collaboration with the Bank of England. The primary objective of this sandbox is to enable firms to leverage specified technologies, particularly distributed ledger technology (DLT), to drive innovation in the highly regulated securities sector.

Peirce's proposal highlights the efficacy of sandboxes in fostering innovation by providing a controlled environment for companies to test out their technologies under real-world conditions. By implementing a shared sandbox between the US and the UK, firms would have the opportunity to engage in the same sandbox activities while adhering to uniform regulatory requirements in both jurisdictions. This unified approach not only streamlines the innovation process but also grants access to a broader dataset, enhancing the quality and efficiency of regulatory oversight.

Furthermore, Peirce emphasizes the alignment between the UK and the US in their approach to capital markets, underlining the potential for smaller firms with disruptive technologies to compete on an equal footing with larger entities. By offering firms a transitional period to navigate the regulatory landscape without immediate compliance obligations, sandboxes enable access to highly regulated markets, providing consumers and investors with innovative products and services that may otherwise remain inaccessible.

Peirce's advocacy for regulatory innovation is not a novel concept, as evidenced by her prior proposal for a token safe harbor in 2020. This initiative aimed to provide exemptions for emerging technologies from certain registration provisions under federal securities laws for a designated period. While Peirce exhibits a favorable stance towards crypto and technological advancements, her colleagues at the SEC, notably Chair Gary Gensler, may lean towards a more stringent regulatory approach, particularly concerning crypto assets.

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Under Gensler's leadership, the SEC has displayed a proactive stance on regulating the crypto industry, employing enforcement actions against prominent companies including Consensys, Robinhood Crypto, Uniswap, Ripple, Coinbase, and Binance. This regulatory trend signals a shift towards heightened scrutiny and compliance enforcement within the crypto space, reflecting diverging viewpoints within the SEC regarding the appropriate regulatory framework for digital assets.

The proposal for a collaborative digital securities sandbox between the US and the UK holds significant implications for the future of regulatory innovation and technological advancement in the securities sector. By fostering cross-border cooperation and harmonization of regulatory standards, this initiative has the potential to stimulate competition, drive innovation, and expand market access for emerging technologies. The envisioned sandbox represents a pivotal opportunity for firms to navigate the regulatory landscape, accelerate product development, and deliver cutting-edge solutions to consumers and investors.

In conclusion, Hester Peirce's proposal for a joint digital securities sandbox between the US and the UK signifies a pivotal step towards fostering regulatory innovation and promoting technological advancement in the securities sector. By leveraging distributed ledger technology and embracing a collaborative approach to regulation, this initiative has the potential to unlock new opportunities, drive innovation, and enhance market efficiency. As the digital securities landscape continues to evolve, initiatives like the proposed sandbox play a crucial role in shaping the regulatory framework and enabling firms to thrive in an increasingly dynamic and competitive environment.

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